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Corruption investigation: Greek Kaili withdraws her mandate as vice-president of the European Parliament



Reading Time: 4 minutes

Sylvie Claire / December 11, 2022

Greek MEP Eva Kaili was arrested on Friday by Belgian police and stripped of her title and powers as vice-president of the European Parliament after suspicions of corruption linked to Qatar plagued the institution. In total, five people including the MEP were arrested.


An anti-corruption operation by the Belgian police in the European Parliament, linked to Qatar, caused strong reactions in Brussels on Saturday, with elected representatives and NGOs calling for an urgent debate on improving the rules of ethics in this major EU institution. In the evening, the president of the Parliament Roberta Metsola announced through a spokesperson the first sanction in this case: the Greek Eva Kaili, questioned on Friday by the Belgian police, was stripped of her title and her powers as vice-president.



This is not an isolated incident,” said Transparency International in the wake of the police operation. “For several decades, the Parliament has allowed a culture of impunity to develop (…) and a total lack of independent ethical control. This control in the institution is “flawed”, added Alberto Alemanno, professor of law at the College of Europe in Bruges, on Twitter.


Five people, including Eva Kaili, were arrested Friday in Brussels after at least 16 searches in an investigation into suspicions of “substantial” payments of money by a Gulf country to influence the decisions of MEPs. The federal prosecutor’s office did not name the country, but a judicial source close to the case confirmed to AFP that it was Qatar, as revealed by the media Le Soir and Knack. “Any allegation of misconduct on the part of the State of Qatar shows a serious misinformation,” reacted Saturday an official of the Qatari government requested by AFP.




The affair broke out in the middle of the World Cup 2022, when the host country must make efforts to defend its criticized reputation in terms of respect for human rights, particularly those of workers. And the case took on an extra dimension when the identity of the fifth person arrested on Friday evening was confirmed. Greek MEP Eva Kaili is a 44-year-old former TV presenter who has become a figure of social democracy in her country. She had until Saturday evening the title of vice-president of the European Parliament as 13 other elected officials.



In light of the ongoing judicial investigations by the Belgian authorities, President Metsola has decided to suspend with immediate effect all powers, duties and tasks that have been delegated to Eva Kaili in her capacity as Vice-President of the European Parliament,” a spokesperson for Mrs. Metsola announced in the evening.


By Friday evening, Ms. Kaili had been excluded from the Greek Socialist Party (Pasok-Kinal), which would also like to see her give up her seat in the European Parliament. The Socialist and Democrat Group (S&D) of the European Parliament announced her suspension “with immediate effect”. On Saturday, the hearings of five suspects continued in Brussels, according to a spokesman for the federal prosecutor’s office. A possible placement in custody by the investigating judge must be decided within 48 hours after the arrest, or Sunday at the latest.



The investigation by Belgian judge Michel Claise is aimed at “corruption” and “money laundering” in organized gangs, according to the prosecutor. On Saturday, the Belgian newspaper L’Echo said that “several bags full of money” had been discovered at the Brussels home of Eva Kaili, which the police searched after catching the father of the elected representative himself in possession of a large amount of cash in “a suitcase”.


According to information confirmed to AFP, at least three suspects arrested Friday are Italians or of Italian origin: former Socialist MEP Pier-Antonio Panzeri (who served from 2004 to 2019), the secretary general of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Luca Visentini, as well as Francesco Giorgi, a parliamentary assistant of the S&D group, companion of Ms Kaili.



In addition to the five in Belgium, there were two arrests in Italy, an Italian government source confirmed to AFP in Rome on Saturday. They are the wife and daughter of Mr. Panzeri. Eva Kaili had visited Qatar in early November where she had welcomed in the presence of the Qatari Minister of Labour the reforms of the emirate in this sector. “Qatar is a leader in labor rights”, the Greek woman had also stated on November 22 at the European Parliament.


These words, which had then caused a stir in the ranks of the left, came back to the minds of many MEPs when the arrest of Ms. Kaili was announced. French socialists denounced “a serious scandal”, while environmentalists Michèle Rivasi and David Cormand pointed to “a guilty complacency” of some social democrats (S&D) during the debate on Qatar at the last plenary session.



The next session, which starts on Monday in Strasbourg, promises to be turbulent. French MEP Manon Aubry (radical left) demanded a new debate on the same subject, blasting “the aggressive lobbying of Qatar” on Saturday.

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World News

Trump promises Zelensky to “end the war” in Ukraine in phone call



Trump promises Zelensky to “end the war” in Ukraine in phone call, Magnate Daily
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sylvie Claire / July 21, 2024

Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky spoke on the phone on Friday, with the former US president claiming to have promised the Ukrainian president to “end the war” between Ukraine and Russia should he return to the White House. “As your next president of the United States, I will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives,” said the Republican presidential candidate.
Donald Trump frequently claims that he would be able to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine very quickly on his return to power, but never provides details of how he would achieve this. Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed the phone call, during which he congratulated the billionaire on his official nomination the previous day as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate.
Donald Trump’s frequent praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as his criticism of other Nato countries, is causing concern among Ukraine’s Western allies. In February, he threatened that, if he returned to the White House, he would no longer guarantee the protection of Atlantic Alliance countries against Russia if they did not pay their share, even claiming that he would “encourage” Moscow to attack them. The former American president also used his power over the Republicans to block a $61 billion military aid package for Kiev for months in Congress, which was finally adopted at the end of April.
In his posting on X on Friday, Volodymyr Zelensky said he had “agreed with President Trump to discuss, in a face-to-face meeting, the steps to be taken towards a just and lasting peace” in Ukraine.
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World News

Former Ukrainian far-right MP murdered in Lviv: “All leads are being investigated, including Russia”



Former Ukrainian far-right MP murdered in Lviv: “All leads are being investigated, including Russia”, Magnate Daily
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Steph Deschamps / July 21, 2024

In a message on Telegram, the Ukrainian National Police said she had succumbed to her injuries in hospital after being the target of an assassination attempt. 
“I always say that no place is safe in Ukraine,” lamented Lviv mayor Andriï Sadovy, denouncing a ‘heinous murder’ and offering his condolences to the victim’s relatives. 
According to the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office, the attack took place on Friday evening, at around 7.30pm, when an unidentified individual fired at Irina Farion, seriously wounding her in the head. “All surveillance cameras are being checked, witnesses are being interviewed and several districts (of Lviv) are being examined. All leads are being investigated, including the one leading to Russia”, reacted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on X on Saturday. 
Interior Minister Igor Klimenko told a briefing in Lviv on Friday evening that the suspected killer could have been lurking around Irina Farion’s home for several days. 
According to him, investigators are currently focusing on the possibility of a murder motivated by a “personal grudge” linked to the victim’s activities, but are not ruling out a “commissioned assassination” either. 
The 60-year-old language teacher and linguist was a member of parliament for the nationalist Svoboda party between 2012 and 2014.
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World News

China: at least six dead in Zigong shopping mall fire



China: at least six dead in Zigong shopping mall fire, Magnate Daily
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Sylvie Claire / July 18, 2024


At least six people died in a shopping mall fire on Wednesday in Zigong, southwest China, and thirty others were rescued, China’s state broadcaster CCTV said. “Rescue teams are continuing their search,” the media outlet added.
Images broadcast by the channel and others shared on social networks show thick black smoke rising from a building overlooking a shopping street in this city 1,600 kilometers from the capital Beijing, in the southwestern province of Sichuan.
The fire broke out in the early evening in a shopping mall at the foot of a 14-storey building, CCTV reported.
At 8:20 pm, the fire was extinguished and 17 people were rescued. Others are still trapped, and rescue operations are continuing”, said the station in an initial report on the situation.
Fires and other fatal accidents are frequent in China, due to the sometimes lax application of safety standards. In January, at least 39 people perished in a store fire in central China. According to the authorities, the fire started in the basement of a store when workers “broke the rules” during construction work. At the time, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for lessons to be learned from the disaster to prevent further tragedies. The same month, a fire in a residential building claimed at least 15 lives.
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